


天資天賦,主要是指智慧 (分析、判斷、創造、思考的能力)、智力(個人思考、判斷、記憶、推理等心智運作的潛在水準,可以用智力測驗來評估)等智慧上的優異。






(a)      The objects of the Foun­da­tion are:

(i)    To pro­mote gift­ed edu­ca­tion in Hong Kong and to help teach­ers and par­ents to unfold stu­dents’ poten­tial and tal­ents;

(ii)    To pro­vide sup­port and/or guid­ance ser­vices for gift­ed youth to devel­op their gift­ed­ness and tal­ents to the fullest;

(iii)    To ini­ti­ate, con­duct and sup­port activ­i­ties spe­cial­ly designed for gift­ed stu­dents and their teach­ers and  par­ents;

(iv)    To co-oper­ate with oth­er edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, soci­eties and orga­ni­za­tions, both local and over­seas,  for the advance­ment and pro­mo­tion of gift­ed edu­ca­tion;

(v)    To net­work dis­tin­guished per­sons to serve soci­ety and those in need through social ser­vice orga­nized  by the Foun­da­tion;

(vi)   To car­ry out and per­form all or any oth­er law­ful acts, works, enter­pris­es or things which are inci­den­tal or con­ducive to the attain­ment of the above objects of the Foun­da­tion; and

(vii) To car­ry out and per­form all or any oth­er law­ful acts, works, enter­pris­es or things which are of a char­i­ta­ble nature.

(b)     In fur­ther­ance of the above objects but not oth­er­wise, the Foun­da­tion shall have the fol­low­ing pow­ers:

(i)     To apply for, invite, col­lect and receive dona­tions, gifts, grants, sub­scrip­tions, bequests, endow­ments  and oth­er assis­tance and ben­e­fits for all or any of the objects of the Foun­da­tion here­in pro­vid­ed or towards the costs and expens­es of the Foun­da­tion and its oper­a­tions;

(ii)     To pro­vide schol­ar­ships, sub­si­dies, allowance, loans (whether inter­est bear­ing or inter­est free) and oth­er forms of finan­cial assis­tance, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, pay­ment of pas­sages, liv­ing  allowances, fees and oth­er mon­eys to per­sons assist­ed by the Foun­da­tion;

(iii)    To orga­nize lec­tures, sem­i­nars, exhi­bi­tions, class­es, meet­ings and con­fer­ences;

(iv)    To pro­mote and hold out­ings, trips, vis­its, gath­er­ings, com­pe­ti­tions and activ­i­ties of all kinds, and to offer gifts or con­tribute towards prizes, medals and awards there­for;

(v)     To make dona­tions and any gift of prop­er­ty (whether real or per­son­al) to char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tions;

(vi)    To sup­port char­i­ta­ble asso­ci­a­tions, insti­tu­tions, clubs, funds and trusts so as to advance the objects of the Foun­da­tion;

(vii)   To under­take and dis­charge the office and duties of trustee either gra­tu­itous­ly or oth­er­wise, with or with­out under­tak­ing, the man­age­ment and admin­is­tra­tion of any trust or set­tle­ment and to hold prop­er­ty, assets or rights of any kind on trust or oth­er­wise;

(viii)  To invest any mon­eys of the Foun­da­tion not imme­di­ate­ly required for its pur­pose but not oth­er­wise in   a rea­son­able and prop­er man­ner, and to hold, sell or oth­er­wise dis­pose of such invest­ments;

(ix)    To pay all expense pre­lim­i­nary or inci­den­tal to the for­ma­tion and pro­mo­tion of the Foun­da­tion and the con­duct of the affairs of the Foun­da­tion;

(x)     To print, pub­lish, give and sell mate­ri­als, peri­od­i­cals, books or leaflets as shall be desir­able for attain­ing the objects of the Foun­da­tion;

(xi)    To employ all such offi­cers and staff as may be required for the objects of the Foun­da­tion; and

(xii)   To do all such oth­er law­ful things as are inci­den­tal or con­ducive to the attain­ment of the objects of the Foun­da­tion.

 — 待續 -